Even kinder garden kid will say Charles Babbage is the father of the computers. Because, he invented a mechanical machine with the concept of programmable. After this event, triggered a chain reaction which leads to the complex designs and became the part of history. By his designs, engineers built the model of the analytical engine and the beauty is: the machine works perfectly. I must agree that he is pioneer and great revolutionary thinker. When we spell the word polymath then our mind will splash the images of few people, like the greats such as Da vinci. Our Charles Babbage also a polymath. Yes, he is an inventor, mathematician, mechanical engineer and philospher.

He was born in 26th December 1791 to a wealthy family in London, England. Cambridge is really fortunate to have alumini, who is the father of the computer. He spends his time for engineering and invention. Also, he does a notable works in cryptography too.
In my views, he is an iconic and revolutionary thinker.
cyber real
He was born in 26th December 1791 to a wealthy family in London, England. Cambridge is really fortunate to have alumini, who is the father of the computer. He spends his time for engineering and invention. Also, he does a notable works in cryptography too.
In my views, he is an iconic and revolutionary thinker.
cyber real
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